
12cm Inc., incorporated in 2013, is a Korean start-up that provides various O2O Businesses to B2B clients. It is based on the certification system called ‘echoss stamp’ that can be recognised with Smartphone. 12cm Inc. is growing rapidly in the global market, leveraging on the experiences and technologies to meet the demad of various clients. 12 cm Inc. holds certification processing technology that uses multi-touch method for touch device displays to suit their client’s need worldwide, including echoss stamp (HW device), certification server and multiple platforms (software).

12cm’s O2O Service, is the fastest growing market largely due to rapid smartphone adoption in Southeast Asia. One of which, Echoss Stamp Technology, sends information via the touchscreen of the mobile phone, then identifies the echoss smart stamp in real time via 12cm cloud service. This certification center provides strong security and monitoring.
