For a start, CSA will license two types of cybersecurity service providers – those providing penetration testing and managed security operations centre monitoring services. Existing cybersecurity service providers will be…
Category: News & Info
Singapore received WHO's highest recognition for advanced medicines regulatory system
싱가포르 보건과학청(Health Sciences Authority)은 최근 세계보건기구(WHO) 회원국 최초로 선진 의약품 규제 시스템에 대해 성숙도 4등급을 달성했습니다. 이러한 성과는 싱가포르의 높은 기준 및 품질, 엄격한 규제 환경이 싱가포르를 아시아/세계를 위한 #도약대로…
Singapore, Most Crypto-friendly country
#Singapore is the most #crypto friendly country in the world… and as paradise is not of this earth, the island nation is (today) the best place one can find to build, test and…
Thailand's digital transformation could hit 2.5 trillion baht by 2030
The digital adoption rate of businesses in Thailand remains low because of the lack of digital skills, technological know-how, a dearth of tech graduates and the perceived high cost of…
Thailand’s Climate Leaders: Digital power technology is ready to build a low-carbon Thailand
In October this year, Thailand proposed a carbon neutrality by 2065-2070 roadmap at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Thailand became the first ASEAN country to formally propose and announce…
All Singapore businesses granted access to open 5G testbeds
All Singapore businesses will have access to open testbeds to develop, adopt, and commercialise 5G-based solutions, said IMDA in a press statement. This means that businesses here can experiment with 5G…